Well I’ve found myself in a fortunate, although uncertain, position. Having recently left a good job I suppose I’m back to being self-employed - or is it un-employed, given that I’m not really employed by myself or anyone else just yet? Either way, at my age, walking down the hall of my 30s towards a new decade’s door, I’ve wondered when again I’ll be in such a position to be as free in direction with my creativity.
Last year, during the pandemic, I started streaming on Twitch.tv. This isn’t publicity for that, but it was interesting revisiting the platform. You see, like many things in my creative life (those desperately unplayed guitars - I’m sure they’ll come up again) I’d signed up to Twitch back in 2016 when I was similarly self-employed. I tinkered, I messed around, I got a few followers and then I left it.
For four years.
I left streaming again last year, only for a few months, as my full-time role became busy. Yet having now left that position, in the last two weeks I’ve returned to streaming with vigour. The thing is…and this is important. I LIKE IT. It is fun, and I want to do things with it. And why are we not allowed to have employ in the things we enjoy? Right now, I have space for the things I like, the things I value, the things I’ve always wanted to do; and either have some skill in or a desire to have skill in. For now I’d like to give them a good go.
This here, this new newsletter, is something I’m also giving a good go. As is the novel I’ve been daydreaming of for two years: now started, and being smashed together by a man who realises how fortunate he is to have the space and some time…despite how fickle time is.
Do I have a self-imposed time-limit? Yes. Bills always need paying so things cannot be or stay the way they are today forever (that is, speculating with joy and productivity). Would that they could and that they will. But my desire to make the things I love work for me won’t dissipate.
This may be my only shot at doing those things, so this is my current best shot too.
I don’t need a motivational kick up the rear, and I don’t need to dwell on past idleness. What I really need, dearest readers, is to get busy. But having started, middled, and now ended this piece towards completion, I have a proof that this is exactly what I am going to do.
Take care, will write soon.